DSGVO compliant images and video streams - always combinable with individual objects

Reliable pixelation of faces and license plates. Flexible use e.g. in product, work process or own platform.

Reliably and securely pixelate faces and license plates. The technology can be easily integrated into all products and processes. Our pricing models are fair and transparent. You can combine our DSGVO package with the analysis of individual objects. Everything from one source. So you can analyze objects and be sure that your recordings are DSGVO compliant.


Our DSGVO Package is successfully used in many companies like STRADIS, GEONETSOLUTION, BOSCH or FLYNEX.

Price description:

Our prices are adapted to your use case. Our goal is to become successful together with you. We offer the following packages: - Pay-per-Use: 0,40 € / km - Pay-per-Use: 0,12 € up to 100 pictures - Pay-per-Use: 0,01 € from 10.000 pictures onwards - Pay-per-Use: 0,0001 € from 100.000 pictures

Price: on request

#DSGVO #face #GDPR