IDS NXT lighthouse - AI vision development without prior knowledge!

The AI Vision Studio IDS NXT lighthouse is the cloud-based software component of our AI vision platform IDS NXT.

IDS NXT lighthouse can be used to manage image datasets, train neural networks and create complete image processing applications for IDS NXT embedded vision cameras. Easy-to-use tools cover the entire development workflow from image to ready-to-use application - without the need for special prior knowledge of Deep Learning, image processing or application programming.


Our customers use the platform for training neural networks, for example, for applications in process monitoring or quality inspection in production.

Price description:

Price becomes cheaper, for longer periods (3 months, 12 months). Test one month for free, without automatic renewal! No runtime costs! License ends automatically after booked period.

Price: from 350 € per month

#artificialintelligence #IDSNXT #trainingplatform